Hooray for summer! We have been so busy going here, there and everywhere and can't wait to fill you in. Read on to see what we have been up to and what we have planned.
To say that summertime is a relaxing time when teachers put their feet up and chill would be a lie. Well, at least in my case. To me, summer is a time when I actually have time to go here, there and everywhere with my kiddos. To all the places that I normally don't have the time to do during the school year, or at least during the week during the school year.
We also have to give a big shout out to our daycare that lets us switch attendance options during the summer (well, anytime throughout the year, actually), which means that Everett has been going to school 3 days a week and Hilty has been going 2 days a week. We can also sign up for the part time option which changes their hours to 8-3. This is not only a big money saver, but it also gives me days to have some one on one time with my little ones.
I feel that some regular socialization and school structure is important during the break, while "fun days" scheduled in are just as important. That is why in the pictures below you will see some pictures with just E, some with just H and some with both. It depends on the day and the what event is scheduled as to who gets to go!
So far, we have been...
---beaching with friends,
We spent the day of June 12 at the beach, we are all smiles in this picture, but during the day we were learning more about the Pulse Nightclub Massacre and the number of people hurt and killed.
Sad day for sure.
---growing older and staying healthy,
Hilty turned 9 months on June 14...and then had her 9 month shots the next day!
---splash padding,
Central Florida Splashpads: Clermont (top), Dr. Phillips (left), Winter Garden (right)
---flipping pancakes at DeLeon Springs with our buds...
E's Father's Day gift for Mike (left) and finger paint on the bathroom walls (right).
---celebrating the best dad in the whole world on Father's Day,
We had a blast at the Crayola Experience at The Florida Mall (above).
---going to story time...

Hilty enjoyed her first Tiny Tales story time at the Winter Garden Public Library.
---paying our respects and helping out...
Hitly and I went for a run around Lake Eola and the Dr. Phillips Center to pay homage to the victims of Pulse. It was so powerful to see it in person, and my heart still breaks for our city.
I also signed up to give blood for the first time. If it helps even a little bit, I feel like it was worth it.
---playing tourists...
Everett and I checked out The Orlando Eye last week (teachers get in free!). He loved the ride and the view...not so much the 4D movie beforehand.
---going to the movies...
Everett had never been to the movie theater before this weekend! Mike and H were in Palatka working on the house so we had a movie date. Finding Dory was so cute and he loved the whole experience.
---and finishing swim lessons!
From crying the entire first lesson to being the strongest swimmer in the bunch and actually smiling, we are so proud of this guy. He's turning into quite the little fish.
As for this week, there is no time to rest! We are packing up and heading to Kentucky for the holiday weekend! Our friends moved to Louisville in January and we have been counting the days until we are all reunited. We can't wait to get up there and celebrate friends, family and the 4th of July!!!
We do still need to eat before we leave, so here is our menu before the big trip-
T: Crispy Chicken Chopped Salad
W: Tuna Sandwiches w/ Chips and Carrot Sticks
Have a great week!
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