Yet again…a day late and a dollar short! These past two weeks have been so crazy. I have so many recipes, recaps and fun blog posts to share with you all, but between two different sets of company and awesome weekends, I seem to be playing catch-up! Hopefully this week will settle down a bit and I can get some great posts your way during nap time for the little guy.
Weekend Highlights:
- Rollins Reunion! All of my best girl friends/teammates from college were in town this weekend to celebrate our reunion. It was sooooo great to see everybody and get caught up on each other – I haven’t laughed that hard in a while!
We started the festivities off Friday morning with a trip to Cocoa Beach (this is Everett’s third time to the beach already!).

Aunt Buelly and Aunt Lynn.
After a few hours at the beach, one car headed to the airport to pick up our friend Ferg who was flying in from Charlotte and then head to Kamrin’s house to get ready for the kick-off BBQ.
Once there Bueller passed out the shirts she had made designed by my friend Milissa and her. They not only looked awesome, but were soooo soft. Probably my new favorite “go-to” shirt.

The Rollins mascot is a Tar, or sailor. My friend Jeff used to always say, “Stick Tars Stick” when he would come to visit us in college and his saying sort of stuck (pardon the pun). Not only did the saying stick, so have we – I think we will always stick together – an amazing group of friends.

We ordered a catering size load of BBQ from 4 Rivers (a local favorite) and chowed down on pulled pork, brisket, baked beans, mac n’ cheese, coleslaw and watermelon. We also ate cake for dessert honoring our newest Tars-to-be. Our friends Noelle and Milissa are both due August 8!

We took a walk, posed for pictures, looked at old (and very embarrassing) pictures, drank wine and laughed until late into the night. The baby and kiddos were asleep and the guys were content watching the NHL playoffs, so we took full advantage of girl time!

L to R:
Jen ‘02, Milissa ‘04, Me ‘03, Kate ‘04, Leigh ‘02, Kamrin ‘04, Hagen ‘02, Noelle ‘03
Saturday was reserved for the “girls only” (Mike had daddy day care duty all day) and we made the most of it. Our day started with breakfast at Keke’s Breakfast Cafe in Winter Park to fuel up (I think I had about 5 cups of coffee) and then a walk around the Rollins campus.

We were hoping that the bookstore would be open and were a bit bummed out when we found out it is closed on the weekend during the summer. Boo. But we did get some good pictures anyway!

We finished walking the campus, stopped by the gym to leave our former coach a note and then headed to our favorite place to layout and play in the water – The Dinky Dock or “The Dink” as we used to call it.

We lived right next to the Dinky Dock my junior and senior years and spent many, many days laying out and playing in the lake between classes. There is a dock, boat ramp and plenty of shade – so the possibilities are/were endless!

The weather was great (while we were there) and Leigh’s sister Holly even met us with some paddle boards.

After the Dinky Dock we opted for a late lunch at Burger-Fi and then headed back to shower up for dinner.
Our dinner reservations were for Cocina 214 and they didn’t disappoint. We were there for well over 4 hours drinking, eating and laughing up a storm. The margaritas were delicious and the conversations were priceless. Definitely a memorable weekend!

Although some of the girls had to head back Sunday morning, those of us who either live in the area or weren’t leaving yet opted for a pool day. We headed to my friend Noelle’s community pool. E wasn’t loving the water – it was cold! – but he does love to hang out and nap (very much like his daddy!).

- 4 month check up! Yesterday E went for his 4 month well-visit and everything was great. He would probably argue that the shots weren’t so wonderful, but a quick bottle and a dose of baby Tylenol right after seemed to do the trick. He didn’t even miss a beat!

Loving my new comic app: Halftone. How cool is that?!?

The aftermath.
As for this week, we don’t have much planned and I couldn’t be more excited! I can start tackling my summer to-do list and begin to relax a little, well as much as you can with a 4 month old!
I am quite excited about my sushi date on Wednesday with my friends Jenny and Lynn along with Lynn’s mom and sister(s) who are in town visiting from South Africa and London! Other than that, here’s to a great and “normal” week!
M: Gun Show Burgers w/ Sweet Potato Fries
T: Chicken Pad Thai
W: Sushi w/ the girls!
Th: Steak Salad
F: Pulled Pork Tacos
Sa: Balsamic Mushroom and Broccoli Baked Potatoes
Su: Father’s Day Surprise!