
December 12, 2012

Sharing is Caring


It is no secret that I love organizing. 

As I was reading one of my favorite blogs that just happens to be entitled I Heart Organizing, I found a great tip that I thought I would share.

This tip, although found on the I Heart Organizing website actually came from a different blog entitled Two Twenty One.  Chelsea, the Two Twenty One contributor has figured out an easy and cheap (woo-hoo) way to keep track of old Christmas cards.

I love to pull mine out each year (I store them with my Christmas decorations) and see how much everyone has changed, but wad definitely in need of a better way to view/display/organize them from year to year.  Well friends, I found the answer thanks to the awesome blogs listed above:

Christmas card books!




With just a hole punch, book rings and cardstock you can create the perfect card keeper.




For the full, step by step tutorial with downloadable book “covers” click here.



--The tutorial recommends making separate books for separate years, but since we didn’t have tons of cards per year, I just made one book with multiple years represented separated by different covers which actually just double as dividers.

--Don’t forget to print a few extra for the years to come while you have the printer warmed up and the cardstock available!



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