
December 11, 2012

Nursery Update #2


Well, there are two things I know for sure…

1.  This whole baby thing is actually going to happen.  Hitting 30 weeks and only having 10 weeks left is crazy to me!

2.  I am in love with how the nursery is turning out.  I love to just go in there, turn on the light and sit.  It puts me in a relaxed mood…I’m hoping it will do the same for our little one, too!


Here are some of the updates/additions we’ve made since the last nursery post (found here):


1.  Crib, Artwork and Mobile:




We purchased our crib (a gift from my dad) from IKEA.  I love the grayish-brown color and also how sturdy it feels.  It is simple, yet classic – my favorite combination.

Our crib mattress was a Black Friday purchase (along with our monitor) at Babies R Us for 50% off.  I can’t wait to get some sheets on it!




As for the mobile…I made it!  After loving some that are sold on, I researched how to make them and decided to save a few (or a lot of) bucks and make it myself.  I will have a tutorial coming soon, but the gist of the project is that you take colored strips of scrapbooking paper and sew them together using a sewing machine, attach to dowels and hang.  SUPER SIMPLE and under $5 to make; versus spending anywhere from $25-$50 on Etsy.

As for the nod to Where’s Waldo in the corner, I found the striped “laundry basket” at Hobby Lobby for 50% off.  It could turn into toy storage, but either way, I love the pop of red!




The prints above the crib came from on (see this post for more info) and I just painted the matting inside the frames (which we already had) for a bit more pizzazz.  I also added bit of yellow and white chevron duck cloth I found at Hobby Lobby (love) behind the larger print to add some visual interest and pattern.


Boppy and Boppy Covers:




I am also the owner of a Boppy pillow and two ADORABLE covers made by my Nana.  I have heard great things about Boppys as well as My Brest Friend (which I am registered for) when it comes to nursing, but I wasn’t too impressed with the Boppy cover selection. 

With so many adorable fabrics on the market, I knew that Nana could whip out a few covers in no time if I provided the pattern and supplies.  Boy was I right – she is so stinking talented and had these puppies whipped out in about an hour total…maybe not even that long. 

The best news, I found the insert at Once Upon a Child for $10 (in great condition) and only needed 1 yard of fabric and a zipper for each Boppy cover.  The pattern I found on Etsy for $2.50.  So, instead of buying it all brand new; which would total around $40-$50, I got the pillow, pattern, supplies and TWO adorable covers for $25.  Score!  Thanks Nana!


The Nook:



As for the rest of the nursery, we have created a nice little nursing/reading/relaxing nook with some mood lighting and fun details.




Again, using frames we already and free digital prints I found online we created a small collage of kid friendly pictures.  Much like the ones above the crib, I used fabric as a mat (brown gingham) for one frame and also painted the matting and frame of another (all supplies I already had on hand – no purchase necessary!).




Another cool wall art idea that my mom actually purchased for the nursery the weekend we told her we were expecting are these “wall saucers”.  I don’t know their actual name, but they are a cool 3D edition to the corner that adds a fun and whimsical element. 

They are made by a company called Umbra and can be found online or at Target (that’s where we found these!) for around $20.  They offer lots of different shapes and sizes and are SUPER easy to put up and can even be relocated if desired.








Another personal touch we (I) added was this precious pillow.  Mike’s dad gave it to me a couple of Christmases ago and said that it was Mike’s from when he was younger.  The best part – Mike actually made it.  He’ll probably kill me for showing it, but I thing it’s so cute for the nursery!






One problem that I was having with our repurposed changing table was the space.  I originally had a table lamp next to where the changing pad was going to go.  Then, in looking at lots of pictures of changing tables, I realized that I needed that space to have easy access to baskets of diapers and wipes. So… the table lamp had to go.

The solution?  A wall lamp!




I found the wall lamp above from Ikea for around $20.  It was easy to install and takes up ZERO space on the changing table.  Perfect!

The only problem that that it is a bit bright from what will be the baby’s viewpoint on the changing pad.  Mike actually discovered this and makes a valid point.  I think we’re going to try to make some sort of diffuser to block some of the light…we’ll keep you posted on that idea!




Now there is space for the diaper basket next to the changing area which I found at Burlington Coat Factory (who knew they had awesome stuff) for around $6 and eventually a wipe dispenser as well.  I love the rustic feel of the basket with the metal and burlap.






We have just a few knick-knacks in there for now located on a small accent table.  One of which is an adorable lime green owl my mom found and some adorable books from my friend Leigh (these were her boys’ favorites) flanked by a wooden salamander and T-Rex that Mike and I plan to paint and personalize.




Most of the accessories will transfer over to the bookshelves once they are completed, but are resting on the table for now.



So cozy!


Diaper Bag and more…




I was also so excited to receive my diaper bag!  I found it online right before Thanksgiving for 30% off and free shipping!  It is made by Babymel and got pretty good reviews on Amazon.  I love the red stripes (can you tell I’m into stripes) and the cross body wear-a-bility. 

I also ordered a travel changing pad and wipes case from Etsy.  These were not on sale, but rather a “to me, from me”.  It thought I deserved to look fashionable while changing diapers!


As for the rest of our nursery “to do” list we just have a few more DIY projects and we’ll be finished:

  • DIY tree bookshelf
  • DIY wall abacus
  • closet reconfiguration and shelf addition (more storage needed!)
  • DIY clothes size dividers
  • curtain treatment (a surprise that I’m so excited to reveal!)


Thanks to a handy husband, Pinterest and Etsy our nursery is taking shape and is (almost) ready to welcome our little boy…he’ll be here before you know it!

1 comment:

  1. It is a beautiful nursery! Just a tip on the lighting. Make sure you have a night light on the other side of the room for night changing/feeding. Highly suggest you don't turn the bright light on in the middle of the night. Bright light means bright eyed baby/child. Just a little mom tip. : )
