Hi everybody! First, let me apologize for neglecting you guys yesterday and most of today. It has been SUPER CRAZY at work right now and I have been a wild woman going non-stop. I have missed blogging decent content for you all and can’t wait to get back into the swing of it. With that being said, I have been wanting to write this post for a while now (well, ever since becoming preggo).
So, I must say, there are hundreds of perks when talking about being pregnant (a constant excuse to put your feet up and rest, people oohing and ahhing over your growing belly, strangers going out of the way to help you carry something, your precious unborn baby, etc) however; there are many, many not so great things about the 40 weeks of human creation (swollen feet, uncomfortable sleep, acne breakouts, just to name a few).
The one thing that was hard for me at first was going to group get-togethers. We have such amazing friends and we LOVE to hang out and have fun, which usually involves having a bit of alcohol. In the beginning I felt totally left out and like the third wheel when going to parties, tailgates, or even just a Friday night dinner. I wanted to “participate”, but just felt a little like a party pooper (especially as the fun Fall beers started appearing everywhere…sigh).

Some pre pregnancy favorites…

Then, I decided to get a grip and find other ways to feel festive while not drinking (disclaimer: I don’t have to drink to have fun, but I do like to imbibe while having fun at times – don’t think I’m a lush). So, without further ado, here is my Preggo Booze Review!
Non-Alcoholic Beer:
There are quite a few brands of N/A beer out there and Publix (our main grocery store in FL) has a very good selection. I would imagine that Total Wine would also be a great spot to look as well.

N/A Beers- (I have tried the beers in bold)
- Clausthaler Premium
- Sharp’s (Miller Product)
- Beck’s N/A
- Busch N/A (Anheuser-Busch Product)
- St. Pauli N/A
- Coors N/A
- Odoul’s and Odoul’s Amber

Note: I haven’t tried St. Pauli N/A but it has been highly recommended to me…that might be next on my list.

My favorite so far? Coors N/A gets the nod – especially with your favorite koozie!

Alcohol-Removed Wine:
To be honest, I didn’t even know this existed until my friend Chrissey was pregnant last year. She loved champagne and told me about the Fre brand of alcohol-removed wine. Not all grocery stores have it, but luckily Publix carries it in stock.

Fre offers:
- White Zinfandel
- Merlot
- Chardonnay
- Premium Red
- Brut (Sparkling Wine)
I have tried the Chardonnay and have the Premium Red in the pantry for the next get-together. The Chard was okay, but really just tasted like grape juice (which essentially is what it is).
I do however, have to sing the praises of the Brut Sparkling Wine. It was delicious and I loved using for Mimosas last weekend at our Gator Tailgate. I will definitely be stocking up on this during the holidays!

Mixed Drinks:
I will say that I don’t have a taste testers view for the next segment of specialty drink mixes, because I’m not a huge sweet drinker, but these looked very festive and they come without any alcohol in them. You could chill these and serve in a martini glass minus the spirits for your next swanky party or they would be great for a baby shower!

Turn any of these into a frozen concoction by simply blending with ice and making a daiquiri consistency. Don’t forget to rim the glass with salt if making a margarita!