July 23, 2012

Menu Monday


Happy Monday everybody!  We had a busy, fun and productive weekend!

We spent Saturday at the beach ALL DAY, literally leaving as the sun was setting to celebrate our friend Abby’s 30th birthday.  The weather was perfect and there were no sunburns to report. Smile

Yesterday we spent the day…buying a new car!  As blah as car buying can be, our experience wasn’t bad at all.  We spent Friday afternoon and night test driving all kinds of different SUVs and then headed back yesterday for the price negotiations.  The whole process makes me nervous, but thanks to Mike’s hard bargaining, we ended up with a great deal and are super happy.  The guy is good I tell ya.




On another note – only two weeks left of summer break.  EEEEK!

As the reality of going back to work soon sets in, here is our menu plan for this week -


M: Chicken Tetrazzini w/ Salad

T:  Caramelized Onion and Mushroom Quesadillas w/ Tomato Soup

W:  Cheesy Calzones w/ Broccoli

Th:  Steak w/ Baked Potatoes and Roasted Green Beans

F:  Pulled Pork Sandwiches w/ Salad

Sa:  Porcupine Meatballs w/ Roasted Carrots

Su:  Marinated Pork Tenderloin w/ Veggie Cous Cous


Have a good one!

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