June 3, 2012

Rock On


To celebrate Mike’s 31st birthday this past Friday night, our friends met up with us for some food and fun.  We started the festivities eating some authentic Greek food at a local Longwood area favorite, Mykonos.  They have friendly service and delicious lemon potatoes – I highly recommend!

After dinner we headed right down the road to Aiguille Rock Climbing Center for some fun.  Our friends are always up for anything (which I love) and we couldn’t wait to get started.




Mike and I had been to Aiguille once before, and were the only “experienced” (ha,ha) climbers of the group.  The center is gigantic and even offers discounts for students and teachers (score).




After arriving, completing the waiver and getting all of our gear, we were ready for our Intro To Knot Tying 101.


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I don’t think the boys were too excited about the harnesses.




At Aiguille, Many of the rock walls are color coded with different “routes” of difficulty – some of which are absolutely insane. 5.6 to 5.8 was my limit…it was tough!

Don’t worry though, they have a few beginner walls that are much easier and make you feel like a rock star (pun intended) if you are just starting out!


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Before climbing, we were taken through a knot tying course for both climbing and belaying (the person holding your rope as you climb).  Thank goodness our instructor Kayla was patient…not all of us were the best students and it took many, many repetitions.


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I passed!


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If at first you don’t succeed, try try again…

Finally everybody (sort of) got he hang of it and we were on the wall.  The employees checked us off on all of the necessary skills and we were on our own.



I made it all the way up on the 5.6 orange route on my first try!  Woot woot!


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Jill and Jenny


The boys during one of their wall races.




Lynn and Jenny demonstrating the best belaying technique.





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Although an average climb takes about 3-5 minutes (for our group) it is definitely a total body workout.  We left with sweaty shaky muscles and a rush like no other.






A great night, celebrating a great guy with great friends!




Have a great rest of your weekend!

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