December 30, 2011

Flashback Friday–New Year’s Edition


Most of me is always sad when the holidays come to a close.  All of my favorite things wind down; Fall, football, friends, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.  I do, however, have to say that there is a little bit of me that is always excited that the new year is looming. 

Sitting down to write my 2012 goals/resolutions, the only word that keeps coming to my mind is finish.  Whatever you start, see it through; even if it takes longer than a year, or two, or three.  Remember anything worth doing is worth doing well and you can do ANYTHING you set your mind to. The only thing standing in the way of our dreams is ourselves.  

Can you tell my Psychology degree is in full effect this morning? 




I wanted to share a personal flashback inspiration photo on this Friday morning to show you where I came from and where I am now.  I struggled, took baby steps, got frustrated, but in the end I reached my goal and truly believe that hard work pays off.

Whether your goal is to lose weight this upcoming year or not, any goal is going to have its ups and and downs.  Progression can be slow and frustrating, but whatever your goal is, keep going until you finish.  It will be so worth it in the end.

Our goal for 2012?  To finish this:




A marathon. 4 months of training and 26.2 miles. HOLY MOLY. 

I am scared out of my mind, but know that crossing the finish line will be the most exhilarating feeling of accomplishment I have ever felt. I can’t wait.

Set a goal, work hard and finish – you will be so glad you did!


Happy New Year’s Eve Eve!

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