Yippeeeeee! It’s officially the Christmas season and finally alright to start listening to Christmas music! Our house is fully decorated and very festive. I am so excited and wanted to share a few stocking stuffer ideas as you start stocking up (pun intended).
Stockings are my favorite part of Christmas.
I remember waking up on Christmas morning and running into my parents room to wake them up. I couldn't wait to get to the family room to see what Santa left in my stocking. My mom would have to get up, wash her face and freshen up. My dad was in charge of putting on a pot of coffee and piping the Christmas music throughout the house.
The whole process took what seemed like forever as I would have to wait until we were all ready to go into the family room. I think secretly my parents just wanted to torture me because each and every year it was the same daunting process. In reality, it probably didn’t actually take that long, and is one of my fondest Christmas memories.
In some households stockings don't play an important role, but I love them more than the actual process of unwrapping gifts. I shop for stocking stuffers all year long and wanted to offer a few stuffer ideas for you! Besides the basics of razors, deodorant, toothbrushes or body wash that usually makes it into stockings, here are a few ideas that can add little bit of surprise!
-jewelry cleaner
-special mug
-small umbrella
-sunglasses case
-camera case
-kitchen gadgets (spatulas, sponges, scissors)
-lip balm
-Hair accessories (bobby pins, elastic bands, headbands)
-travel coffee mug
-sample sized flavored coffee/teas
-fun ornament
-DIY coupon books
-Scratch off lotto tickets
-dress/athletic socks
-brain games/card games
-head light/flashlight
-grill seasonings/grill tools
-hot sauces/bbq sauces from favorite restaurants
-book by favorite author
-themed Tervis Tumbler (favorite team/activity)
-colored duck tape (they even have college themed now)
-DIY coupon books
Gorgeous Tree Laney! Love what you are doing here at Grocery Lane!